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My Work

-more to come-


This is the first sequence I ever put together, it's what truly got me into editing. The title is self-explanatory as to what this video is about. I collected films from the early 60's to 2014 and put them together. At the time, these edits were going around featuring the mashup and I wanted to make one of my very own.


At the time I made this I was exploring final cut pro x and was also exploring After Effects (getting to know how it worked). This little montage came out of it. It isn't the best, but it is a part of my editing journey.

Tame Impala - Eventually

When I was having trouble working in a group to create an assignment, the brief was to make a music video and the group was just not coordinating with one another. I decided that I had had enough, with 2 days left to submit a piece of footage via production and post-production left to do- I left the group and done a piece of work all by myself. It isn't the best of course, but I was pretty happy with it considering I had only a few hours to cut and put the footage together. There isn't a synopsis for this which is very unprofessional of me. However, imagine you are taking a trip down memory lane and this is what I want this video to be about.

The Night We Met

I had no reason for making this, except for the fact that I was bored on an evening after college also feeling inspired to create and practice.

Don't Drink & Drive ad

Inspired by

Coming to the second to last production brief of the year we were given a task to create an advert. We were allowed to do anything that we wanted to create. I did my own advert by myself. At the time of development I became fascinated with 90s PSA (PSA: Public Service Announcement) adverts. There was this one that caught my eye that is called 'In The summertime' (1992) and it is a Don't Drink & Drive. The advert was distributed despite the graphic imagery. It made me want to create an advert that is string pulling but also gets straight to the point. This is what came of it.


DIRECTOR - Daniel Evans






CINEMATOGRAPHER - Glorija Voveryte


EDITOR - Sophie Whatson

This is the final project for the college year commencing 2018. The brief was to create a single camera production. As a group, we decided to go ahead and make a short horror film.

SYNOPSIS: In the late year of 2012 the world is turned upside down by radioactive zombies. The apocalypse started by a virus that spread through mobile phones- zombifying anybody and everybody that laid their eyes upon screen.

Ariana Grande - Breathin

lyric video

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This is my very first of 2019. I know what you're probably thinking. How did I only make one single video in one year? Truth is, I spent so much time suffering editors block and lacked creativity for a little while. When I was beginning to create this, I had gotten very into 3D and motion graphics in After Effects. In the end, this ended up being my final major project for college. Additionally, this is also my favourite song so it was a little easy to create ideas and the imagery.

Getting into what this is about. The song is about an anxiety attack and so I decided to use that information and make it into a visual video. The video starts off slowly and it gradually speeds up during the first chorus when an anxiety attack is on the rise. The song gradually picks up its speed as well as the motion of the video. Coming to the end of the video the imagery slows down insinuating the end of an anxiety attack and the person experiencing the event coming down from it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel which I wanted to represent a way out and that 'there is a light at the end of the tunnel'. Truthfully, there is.

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CEASE is a short film inspired by the after effects of war and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The film's nature is to educate and reach out to audiences that have been affected by abuse and have had a hard time being able to accept the past for what it is.


Thomas Curran is a young soldier and after dealing with his mothers death as a child, his father terrorised him making him feel not good enough and at fault for his mothers death. After Thomas's fathers death, Thomas always feels his fathers negative energy around him and hears his voice telling him that he isn't good enough as a man which makes Thomas spiral out of control.


In the end, Thomas see's his father in angel form, letting Thomas know that he is good enough and that it is okay to accept the past and move on from his past troubles.


"It's 1945, England, and Thomas Curran has been suffering from the memories that has been left by his deceased father. He tries to come to terms with his fathers death and hopes to feel a sense of connection that will allow Thomas to find peace."


DIRECTOR - Alex Chettur

PRODUCER - Glorija Voveryte


EDITOR - Sophie Whatson

BTS DIRECTOR - Sophie Whatson

THOMAS CURRAN - Patrick Crowley

THOMAS'S FATHER - Charlie Catton


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LONER is about a young adult, Riley who suffers from mental illness and seeks therapy. He is a loner, which his therapist knows about and isn't there at sessions to help Riley but more than anything is trying to keep Riley in therapy for as long as he can so that he can get more money. Riley's therapist gives Riley medication that isn't suitable for his welfare, making Riley spiral out of control and causing havoc in public.


Along Riley's journey, he comes across an octopus toy who he calls Octo. Octo shows happiness and anger. Riley's therapist uses the octopus to torment Riley but eventually Riley comes out of his shell to show that himself and Octo are best friends forever and that they are better off without the help.

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