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Dear Isolation Generation


Dear Isolation Generation is a short film that has been made for the purpose of education for the current pandemic, the Coronavirus. Sophie is a 19 year old girl adjusting the new life during the strange times but more than anything she is trying to remain positive in hopes of encouraging others to look up.


Before quarantine came into place, me and my friend Katie were going to make an LGBT+ short film about two gay people (a boy and a girl) talking on an online LGBT+ site and comforting each other as their parents do not accept their sexualities. One day, the boy stops replying and then gets in touch via letters and then one day the letters stop and they never speak again.


The coronavirus made us unable to create the film, so we did our own and I wanted to make a crossover between a day in the life and a documentary about the coronavirus and quarantine affects.


The coronavirus pandemic has effected millions of lives across the globe and the UK has the highest factor in deaths than the rest of Europe with the statistic of over 30,000 deaths, but a new estimate has recently been brought to life as an extra 50,000 cased have been recorded bringing the case total to 230,000.


More than anything else that is important right now, the only thing that I feel brings light into people's lives are positivity, humour and an open mind and so I wanted my short film to perceive that and to hopefully make people feel better and to show that nobody is alone in this- that everybody has been effected in one way or more.


- Room sound

- Walking

- Television playing

- Wind

- Cars driving

- Radio

- People talking

- Static VHS film sound

- Dog breathing

Screenshot 2020-05-14 at 11.29.16.png


I want my short film to be raw and unscripted. I feel that the only way I can express a surrealistic situation in a real world is to not script so that the audience really pick up how it is during this time. I also wanted to edit the film as a VHS tape as VHS is a retro and historical aesthetic and I really wanted that feel to it so that future generations will watch this tape and recognise it as a film that was made in the past (could be 20 years from now when they view the short film).


477px-Rodin_TheThinker_Rodin Museum Pari

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin, 1881

VHS tape to add the historical theme to my short film.


The Thinker is a infamous historical statue that represents a man thinking. I felt the historical statue would kindly represent my film as I am personally an over thinker and I love to create theories but of course people who overthink cause anxiety to themselves and to other people, so I wanted to add the historical figure.



I'm setting the age rating and target audience to 13+ as I don't want younger people to see this in future and to get upset / scared by a pandemic that will hopefully be in the past when they view it. So to protect the younger generation from viewing this, I have set an age restriction on the platform that I have chosen to distribute the short film- which is YouTube.


In future I would like to make a film dedicated to the pandemic and I would like it to be a thriller / drama. I would like the film to be very futuristic where the virus comes back and the lord rises to wipe out the earth to create a new one as the worlds crimes and sins over-rule the worlds population.


PRODUCTION COMPANY - Blumhouse Productions

PRODUCER - Jason Blum

DIRECTOR - Jordan Peele

SCRIPTWRITER - Sophie Whatson



I want the future film of Dear Isolation Generation to be produced under Blumhouse Productions as not only are they one of the most successful production companies in the world but they are also known for their small added details in their films and I believe that the company can really make something of the film and add their creativity twist onto it.


Jason Blum is an Emmy award winning producer and he is the CEO of Blumhouse Productions. He is known for producing Get Out (2017), Us (2019), Paranormal Activity (2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014), and Insidious (2010). He first was an executive at Miramax before working underneath Paramount Pictures as a producer. Within those times, he became financially independent and grew his own production company, which is Blumhouse Productions.


As his production company grew, he made micro-budget films that gives directors all control over the films budget to allow their creativity to achieve beyond what a budget would minimalise. 


His most known film, Paranormal Activity was made in 2007 and the films budget was $28.015 million. After the films distribution, the box office made $193.4 million.




Jordan Peele is a director and a writer. He is most known for directing Get Out and Us (production company - Blumhouse Productions). I would like Jordan Peele to direct the future film as his small details to make a small object unsettling would be a beautiful touch to the film. 


Get Out and Us have links in between each film that creates the unsettling universe and he did this by using rabbits. When he was a younger, he perceived the animation movie Watership Down as a devastating and traumatic movie that inspired him to believe that you can make small and cute objects appear unsettling. This research intrigued me as it reminded me of when Stephen King was writing IT, he did his research on what children find scary. They answered clowns, sharks, and anything that they found scary which is what drove Stephen King's inspiration to write IT.





Crypt TV

What if the budget film wasn't successful enough to become produced under Blumhouse Productions and what if they're not interested in working with me? If the film script isn't to become successful in the way that Blumhouse Productions would produce a script and a film, then I would like to make a scary short film produced by Crypt TV.

The Birch - Crypt TV

Crypt TV is an American distribution company that focuses on creating, producing and distributing short horror films and mini horror series. 


I began to develop an overwhelming love for the distribution company as their submissions and short films are so creative. The duration of the films and mini-series completely justifies what they are made of and how much creativity they can fit into the span of 5 minutes.


I thought about how they could make the big idea of my full length budget film into the time span of 10 minutes, and how they can create the coronavirus to be an actual horrifying beast called Covid. Or I would be happy to make a mini-series with 5 episodes in to show how Covid effects different families and friendship groups in each episode (could be brutally killing them or kidnapping).


I would like for this to be called 'COVID'.



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