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Butterfly is a 3 episode TV series following Bianca, a young adult who is trying to find herself before she reaches real adulthood. On her journey, she gets herself into trouble dealing drugs, alcohol / substance abuse and sex. Bianca's overly ditsy best friend Peaches acts as Bianca's guardian angel and tries to guide her out of trouble and convincing her to do the right thing so that she can flourish into the young woman that she strives to be.


Each episode welcomes a merge between the previous and next episode where a new plot is added. 



Biana is an 18 year old girl trying to figure out life's right and wrongs. 




The target audience for Butterfly is 18 and over. The reason for this is that the show will show drug abuse, alcohol, violence and sex.



The pilot episode kicks off with Bianca, Peaches, Mark and John playing Monopoly all while doing drugs and alcohol. Bianca and Peaches eventually leave and sit on the rooftop to speak about life. Later, Bianca and Peaches walk back into the room to find Mark and John looking at a sexy new girl at university on Peaches computer. John eventually offends Peaches, Bianca tells John and Mark to leave. As John prepares for them to leave, Bianca and Mark speak on their relationship and wanting to fix what was broken. Bianca reluctantly refuses to speak with Mark, and then he leaves. Bianca finds an upset Peaches and consoles her. Peaches ends up confessing that she witnessed Bianca cheating on Mark with John and begs Bianca to forgives her for how guilty that she feels for witnessing the act. Bianca leaves and walks home. Later on, she is sat at her table in her dorm room and she gets a phone call from John, who reminds her of their passionate night together. Bianca tells John that it meant nothing and that it was just sex. John invites Bianca to a party that he is throwing, before Bianca hangs up.


EPISODE 2 - What We Do For Love

Bianca and Peaches are seen getting ready for John's party at his luxury house. They discuss the possibilities on what could happen at the party, things are considered like sex, drugs and a safety sign to leave. They settle on the safety sign where they have to look into each others eyes and scratch their nose which is the sign of discomfort so they'll take action on leaving that area of the house or leaving completely. John and Mark decorate John's house discussing how many girls they are planning to neck on with during the duration of the night, Mark explains that he wants Bianca back and John shuts him down by belittling him and saying that Bianca could do so much better than him. Later, the party begins. Bianca and Peaches turn up after having pre-drinks just to make them feel more comfortable in the large crowd. John finds Bianca and Peaches talking to a group of boys, where John pulls Bianca away from the group and into his bedroom. John traps her in his room and tries to have some fun with her. Bianca influenced by alcohol flirts with John but doesn't want to go any further with him. John gets forceful with her, and Bianca pushes him away. Confused, John begins to get aggressive and gets rough with her. They both end up arguing, before John gives Bianca the date rape drug- Rohypnol, telling her that if she really cares about Mark's feelings then she'd spike his drink and if she does it then he won't tell Mark about their passionate night together. There is a knock on the door and Mark walks in asking what all of the arguing was about. Bianca leaves the room and stuffs the drugs into her bra. Bianca finds Peaches dancing with a boy who is clearly taking advantage of how drunk she is, Bianca pushes the boy away and takes Peaches back to Bianca's dorm room. Peaches is clearly upset that she was suddenly pulled away as she was having a good time. Bianca cries and explains to Peaches that she really needs her help telling her about John's threats. Peaches drunkenly expresses that the truth should come to light and it is what she deserves, and that she must learn from her mistakes. Bianca is upset by Peaches response as she expected the support of her delicate best friend. Peaches passes out and Bianca lays in the bed next to her. She gets a text from Mark asking if she is okay, in which she tells him that she needs to speak with him. Bianca and Mark meet on campus, they embrace each other in a hug in which Mark is surprised that she showed compassion to him after a long time. Mark asks her what is wrong, in which she cries telling him that she is sorry multiple times. Mark worryingly comforts her meanwhile begging her to tell him the truth. She finally confesses that she made the mistake of sleeping with John. They both break out into a heartbreaking argument. Bianca begs Mark not to leave, in which he leaves and she cries her heartbreak into the rain. Bianca eventually goes back to her dorm room and Peaches is still passed out on her bed. Bianca tips the Rohypnol into a cup all while filling the cup with a vodka and coke. She downs the drink and lays on her bed. She quickly begins to feel the effects and passes out.


EPISODE 3 - Stepping Stones

Bianca slowly wakes up, her head is spinning. She turns and Peaches is looking worryingly at her. She acknowledges that there are needles in her skin and the beeping makes her head pound. She notices a life support machine and that she is in a hospital. A doctor gently tries to speak to her. Bianca passes back out again and has flashbacks of her intercourse with John, to the drugs and alcohol of the night, to the party. She eventually comes to a flashback of her and her father talking and how much the conversation meant to her and how she has carries his advice with her. She eventually completely wakes up and the doctor explains to her that she is very lucky to be alive, and then tells her that she has been in a coma for 2 weeks. The doctor leaves and Peaches cries. She expresses her feelings and her fear that Bianca wouldn't wake up. She tells Bianca that her heart stopped multiple times and that the doctors were convinced she wouldn't wake up, but that Peaches interfered with them turning off her life support machine hoping that Bianca would wake her, knowing that Bianca is strong and that she will pull through. Bianca is saddened by her actions on that fateful night. She asks Peaches whether Mark knows, in which Peaches nods and explains that he has been pulling his hair out. He constantly visited and replacing the flowers every day with her favourite flowers, lavender to replace them so that they don't die out before she wakes up. Eventually Bianca and Peaches leave the hospital and Bianca is referred to therapy to talk about her thoughts and feelings. Bianca explains to her therapist that she doesn't need any help and that the night was a mistake. Her therapist explains that her behaviour isn't normal and that she needs the help that they are offering, but she considers that Bianca isn't comfortable with speaking at this time. She gives Bianca a card with her name and telephone number on it, begging Bianca to call her if she needs to talk or if she has any disturbing thoughts. Bianca promises the therapist that she will get in contact, and she leaves. Bianca returns to her dorm where Mark is sitting on her bed looking clearly distraught. Mark yells at Bianca for her actions and begs her to tell him what she was thinking, asking her if she tried to kill herself. She reluctantly confesses that she wasn't trying to kill herself, but that she wanted to felt that she didn't deserve help for the sadness she felt at the time and she confessed to him that she has been abusing drugs and alcohol to escape her PTSD. Mark asks her where she found the drugs in which she lies to him saying she brought them. Mark tells her that she is lying and says that he knows that John gave her the drugs to try and spike him with. Bianca cries and tells him she didn't want to hurt him and that she loves Mark, begging him to forgive her for having an affair with John. Mark explains that she is the love of his life and that he wants to protect her at all costs, he also tells her that John is awaiting court with multiple charges of violence, drink spiking, theft and drug dealing. Bianca and Mark discuss starting their relationship all over again.



Butterfly's spin-off will consist of a 30 minute episode containing Bianca's welfare and the relationship that Bianca and Mark have remastered over the last few months. She attends therapy every once in a while and she is better than ever. She began to turn up to university lectures, doing assignments and went from a C- student to an A+ student. She eventually explains to her therapist that she is still a party animal and likes to hang out with a group of friends, but that she stays away from the drugs and she drinks responsibly.


Butterfly will be broadcasted on Channel 4. I believe that Channel 4 is a popular streaming service and that the audiences will be suitable. Because of watershed, I'd like for Butterfly to have a time slot for 8pm so that younger children will be in bed and won't be able to view any inappropriate / disturbing scenes. After the episodes have broadcasted, they will be available watch on Channel 4's catch-up service, All 4.

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